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Environment variables reference

Note 1 : Some variable default values might change depending on the selected start mode (Docker or Developer), especially URL-related ones
Note 2 : Relative paths start from the executing service directory

Domains & URLs

Name Service Description Default value
GATEWAY_API_HOST api-gateway, workspaces, events api-gateway internal URL for internal requests (i.e contact fetching) http://localhost:3001/v2
API_URL console, pages, api-gateway, runtime api-gateway public URL
CONSOLE_URL api-gateway, console, pages, runtime Studio URL, used for emails, auth redirections & runtime variable {{global.studioUrl}}
PAGES_HOST api-gateway, console, pages, runtime Pages base domain starting with a '.', workspace slug will be prefixed as a subdomain. Used for pages builder, pages sign in redirection from api gateway, & runtime variable {{global.pagesUrl}}


Name Service Description Default value
BROKER_HOST All services Redis broker URL (must be the same across services) redis://localhost:6379/0
BROKER_PASSWORD All services Redis broker password
BROKER_NAMESPACE All services Optional namespace to segment events in case the same database instance is shared by multiple platforms
BROKER_TOPIC_MAXLEN All services Redis streams max length before getting truncated (See Capped Streams) 10000
BROKER_EMIT_MAXLEN All services Maximum size (in bytes) of emitted events 100000
PERMISSIONS_STORAGE_HOST All services MongoDB URL for permissions storage (must be the same for both workspaces & events) mongodb://localhost:27017/permissions
USERS_STORAGE_HOST api-gateway MongoDB URL for users storage mongodb://localhost:27017/users
SESSIONS_STORAGE_HOST api-gateway Redis URL for sessions storage redis://localhost:6379/0
SESSIONS_STORAGE_PASSWORD api-gateway Redis password for sessions storage
EVENTS_STORAGE_ES_HOST events Elasticsearch URL for events persistance http://localhost:9200
EVENTS_STORAGE_ES_USER events Elasticsearch user for events persistance
EVENTS_STORAGE_ES_PASSWORD events Elasticsearch password for events persistance
EVENTS_TOPICS_CACHE_HOST events Redis URL for event userTopics persistance. BROKER_HOST variable
EVENTS_TOPICS_CACHE_PASSWORD events Redis password for event userTopics persistance.
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_TYPE runtime & workspaces Workspaces storage driver (FILESYSTEM | S3_LIKE | AZURE_BLOB). Must be the same instance for both runtime & workspaces. FILESYSTEM
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_DIRPATH runtime & workspaces Workspaces filesystem storage : directory path ../../data/models/
UPLOADS_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_DIRPATH runtime & workspaces Uploads filesystem storage : directory path ../../data/models/
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_ACCESS_KEY runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : access key
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_SECRET_KEY runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : secret key
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_BASE_URL runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : base download url. If omitted, workspaces API will be used as proxy
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_ENDPOINT runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : endpoint
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_BUCKET_NAME runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : bucket name
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_REGION runtime & workspaces Workspaces s3 like storage : region
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER runtime & workspaces Workspaces Azure Blob container name models
WORKSPACES_STORAGE_AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING runtime & workspaces Workspaces Azure Blob connection string models
CONTEXTS_CACHE_HOST runtime Redis URL for contexts persistance. redis://localhost:6379/0
CONTEXTS_CACHE_PASSWORD runtime Redis password for contexts persistance.
UPLOADS_STORAGE_TYPE workspaces Uploads storage driver (FILESYSTEM | S3_LIKEĀ | AZURE_BLOB). Must be the same instance for workspaces. FILESYSTEM
UPLOADS_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_DIRPATH workspaces Uploads filesystem storage : directory path ../../data/uploads
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_ACCESS_KEY workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : access key
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_SECRET_KEY workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : secret key
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_BASE_URL workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : base url
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_ENDPOINT workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : endpoint
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_BUCKET_NAME workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : bucket name
UPLOADS_STORAGE_S3_LIKE_REGION workspaces Uploads s3 like storage : region
UPLOADS_FILESYSTEM_DOWNLOAD_URL workspaces Base download URL for files uploaded to filesystem driver Upload/Get request URL
UPLOADS_STORAGE_AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER workspaces Uploads Azure Blob container name models
UPLOADS_STORAGE_AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING workspaces Uploads Azure Blob connection string
UPLOADS_STORAGE_AZURE_BLOB_BASE_URL workspaces Base public download url for uploads azure blob container : If omitted, workspaces API will be used as proxy


Name Service Description Default value
OPENAPI_FILEPATH All services Requests & events validation swagger file path ../specifications/swagger.yml
UPLOADS_MAX_SIZE workspaces,api-gateway,runtime Max upload size in bytes 10000000 (10MB)
OIDC_PROVIDER_URL api-gateway, pages, console, runtime OIDC Authorization server URL. You don't need to define this OIDC variable if you intend to add another provider API_URL env var, without any base path.
OIDC_STUDIO_CLIENT_ID api-gateway, console Studio OIDC client id local-client-id
OIDC_STUDIO_CLIENT_SECRET api-gateway Studio OIDC client secret, only known by api-gateway local-client-id
OIDC_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_TOKEN api-gateway Access token required for OIDC clients registration API local-client-id
OIDC_WELL_KNOWN_URL api-gateway OIDC provider configuration discovery URL (only if it's an external provider)
SESSION_COOKIES_MAX_AGE api-gateway Auth server session cookies expiration (in seconds) 2592000 (1 month)
ACCESS_TOKENS_MAX_AGE api-gateway Session expiration, used for both anonymous & authenticated sessions (in seconds) 2592000 (1 month)
JWKS_URL api-gateway Defines the endpoint to call in order to retrieve the JWKS as part of our JWKS strategy.
You might want to change this value using an internal api-gateway hostname if your are using our local provider (example: http://api-gateway/oidc/jwks).
SESSION_COOKIES_SIGN_SECRET api-gateway Session cookies signing secret
WEBSOCKETS_DEFAULT_TRANSPORTS console,pages Default socketio transport method polling,websocket
PORT console Listening port number 3000
PORT api-gateway Listening port number 3001
GATEWAY_CONFIG_PATH api-gateway gateway.config.yml path ../../gateway.config.yml
AUTH_PROVIDERS_CONFIG api-gateway authProviders.config.yml path ../../authProviders.config.yml
INTERNAL_API_KEY api-gateway, workspaces API Key allowing internal services fetching events /sys/cleanup API
PASSWORD_VALIDATION_REGEXP api-gateway Password validation regular expression .{8,32}
EMAIL_VALIDATION_ENABLED api-gateway Enable email validation on signup true
WORKSPACES_API_URL api-gateway prismeai-workspaces internal URL http://workspaces:3002
EVENTS_API_URL api-gateway prismeai-events internal URL http://events:3004
RUNTIME_API_URL api-gateway prismeai-runtime internal URL http://runtime:3003
X_FORWARDED_HEADERS api-gateway Add X-Forwarded-* headers on proxied requests yes
SUPER_ADMIN_EMAILS api-gateway List of users emails which should have access to every workspaces. Each email should be separated with a comma. Example:, None
PORT events Listening port number 3004
EVENTS_BUFFER_FLUSH_AT events Persists events in the data lake each N events 128
EVENTS_BUFFER_HIGH_WATERMARK events Stops listening for new events to be persisted when N events are already waiting to be persisted 256
EVENTS_BUFFER_FLUSH_EVERY events Persists events every N milliseconds even if EVENTS_BUFFER_FLUSH_AT has not been reached 5000
EVENTS_RETENTION_DAYS events Number of days events are kept inside the data lake before being removed 180
EVENTS_CLEANUP_WORKSPACE_INACTIVITY_DAYS events Delete workspaces events if inactive for more than N days & with less than EVENTS_CLEANUP_WORKSPACE_MAX_EVENTS 15
EVENTS_CLEANUP_WORKSPACE_MAX_EVENTS events Delete workspaces events if inactive for more than EVENTS_CLEANUP_WORKSPACE_INACTIVITY_DAYS & with less than N events 100
EVENTS_SCHEDULED_DELETION_DAYS events Number of days events are kept inside the data lake after deleting their workspace 90
SOCKETIO_COOKIE_MAX_AGE events cookie maxAge Default value from 'cookie' NodeJS module
EVENTS_STORAGE_ES_BULK_REFRESH events Enable Elastic "refresh" option when bulk inserting events (might induce overhead) no
PORT runtime Listening port number 3003
MAXIMUM_SUCCESSIVE_CALLS runtime Maximum number of automation execution for the same correlation id (i.e initiated by the same webhook or external event) 20
CONTEXT_RUN_EXPIRE_TIME runtime Run context expiration time in seconds. 60
CONTEXT_UNAUTHENTICATED_SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME runtime Session context expiration time in seconds for unauthenticated sessions 60*60 (1 hour)
ADDITIONAL_GLOBAL_VARS_* runtime Additional variables that will be available from global context (ADDITIONAL_GLOBAL_VARS_apiUrl will be available as {{global.apiUrl}}). None
WORKSPACE_CONFIG_{{workspaceSlug}}_{{variableName}} runtime Additional variables that will be available for a specific workspace. (WORKSPACE_CONFIG_knowledge-manager_secretApiKey will be available at {{config.secretApiKey}} within the automations of the knowledge-manager workspace). None
APP_CONFIG_{{appSlug}}_{{variableName}} runtime Additional variables that will be available for a specific app. (APP_CONFIG_MailSender_mailApiKey will be available as {{config.mailApiKey}} within the automations of an instance of the MailSender app). Useful if you want to publish your app without compromising a secret. None
PORT workspaces Listening port number 3002
UPLOADS_ALLOWED_MIMETYPES workspaces Allowed upload MIME types, comma-separated image/*,text/*,video/*,audio/*,application/*
UPLOADS_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY workspaces If not explicitly set in API request, default uploads visibility public