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AI Knowledge - RAG

Introduction to AI Knowledge product

The AI Knowledge product functions as a RAG-as-a-Service offering. It fosters a collaborative environment where Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Developers, and Business Teams can efficiently collaborate. In the fast-paced realm of AI, it is vital to maintain a consistent and dependable development process. This product features a unique and innovative methodology known as Gen.AI Test-Driven Building.

Unified approach

This unified approach ensures that everyone operates from a single source of truth, significantly enhancing efficiency and agility across teams.

Benefits of a unified building approach

  • Efficiency: By aligning all stakeholders around a shared set of tests and outcomes, teams can avoid duplicative work and miscommunications, speeding up the building cycle.
  • Agility: With a shared understanding of objectives and metrics, teams can more rapidly adapt to changes in project scope or market demands without losing momentum.
  • Value Delivery: Continuous integration of feedback through this method allows teams to iteratively improve the product, ensuring that enhancements and optimizations directly address user needs and real-world performance.
  • Incremental Improvement: As tests are run and re-run, they not only validate the AI’s performance but also guide further development, allowing for gradual enhancements that cumulatively lead to a superior product.

This approach not only streamlines project management and Building but also underpins a culture of continuous improvement and cross-disciplinary collaboration, driving forward the development of robust and effective AI systems. By implementing TDB, organizations can foster a dynamic and responsive Building environment, ultimately leading to faster delivery of high-value AI solutions.

Creating a RAG project using AI Knowledge


  • Access to the AI Knowledge product (self-hosted or Cloud version).
  • Basic understanding of prompting.
  • Documents or data to be integrated (web pages, PDFs, Word, PPT, JSON...).

Step 1: Understand the AI Knowledge Interface

First, familiarize yourself with the AI Knowledge product's architecture. It includes components like the Home > AI section, where you can manage your AI models, and tools for document integration, query handling, and customization.

  • Home: Configure AI models, select embedding models, and set other parameters.

  • Test: Configure Tests, supervize and analyze results.

  • Analytics: some KPI to monitor your AI usage: tokens, generated answers, daily usage...

  • Help: Embedded product documentation.

Step 2: Setting up your knowledge base

Create a new project in AI Knowledge to organize your documents effectively.

  1. Log into AI Knowledge: Access your dashboard.
  2. Create a new Project: Navigate to the project management area and create a new project to start building your AI.

Create project

Step 3: Understand the AI Knowledge architecture

AI Knowledge architecture

This description provides an overview of the RAG (Retriever-Augmented Generation) architecture, as it is presented without necessitating any coding for the customization of your Large Language Model (LLM). The product is deliberately designed to be indifferent to the specifics of LLMs, ensuring compatibility across various models for both embedding and generative tasks. It offers a flexible and adaptable solution for integrating LLMs into a wide range of applications.

Step 4: Integrating Documents

To include web pages, PPT, Word, PDFs... into your knowledge base, follow these steps:

  1. Document Integration: Use the system's interface to add documents from your selected sources.

Adding doc

  1. Segmentation and Vectorization: Documents are loaded, segmented into chunks, and vectorized using the available embedding models. This process involves settings adjustments such as:
  2. Text Splitter: Choose between static or dynamic modes for document segmentation.
  3. Embeddings Settings: Customize how text is transformed into vectors.

Step 5: Querying the Knowledge Base

With your documents integrated, you can begin querying your knowledge base using the provided tools:

  1. Perform Queries: Click on Chat to use the AI Store interface to chat across your integrated documents with ChatGPT-Like interface.


Source and chunks


As you can observe, sources are cited along with the option to view all chunks used to formulate the response. This feature allows you to thoroughly understand and challenge the AI's responses before making any decisions.

  1. Customize Query Handling: Adjust settings like Self-Query and Enhance User Query to improve retrieval accuracy.


Please note that this adds an additional call to the LLM, which may slow down response times and consume more tokens.

Step 6: Implementing Test-Driven Building for AI Knowledge

After setting up your knowledge base and before proceeding to advanced customizations, it's crucial to integrate a test-driven approach to ensure your AI performs accurately and consistently over time.

Why Implement Test-Driven Building?

AI Knowledge supports automated testing, which is essential for:

  • Evaluating AI Performance: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your AI in understanding and processing queries.
  • Quality Tracking and Observability: Monitor changes in AI performance over time to detect and correct deviations or improvements.
  • Ease of Switching LLMs: AI Knowledge is agnostic to the underlying Large Language Model (LLM). This flexibility allows you to switch to a more efficient, cost-effective, or environmentally friendly LLM without compromising on performance, thanks to robust testing.

Step-by-Step Guide to adding Automated Tests

  1. Access the Testing Module: Navigate to the testing section in your AI Knowledge project settings.

  2. Create a New Test Suite: Define a suite where you can group related tests, such as querying effectiveness or response accuracy.

Add test

  1. Add Test Cases: For each test case, input a set of questions with expected answers. These can range from simple factual inquiries to complex reasoning tasks that your AI should handle.

Example of a test case: - Question: "What are the storage conditions for sensitive electronic components?" - Expected Answer: "Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight."

  1. Configure Test Settings: Set the frequency of test runs (e.g., daily) and specify whether they should be triggered automatically or manually.

  2. Running Tests: Execute the tests to see how the AI responds. The platform automatically records and analyzes the performance.

Observing Test Results

For each test run, the following details are provided:

  • Prompt and Context: View the exact prompt and context used by the AI for generating responses.
  • Generated Response: The response from the AI is displayed.
  • Response Evaluation: Each response is evaluated against the expected answer and rated as poor, correct, or good. This rating is color-coded for quick assessment.
  • Context Evaluation: The relevance and accuracy of the context provided to the AI are also rated, ensuring the AI's understanding aligns with the query requirements.



The business expert also has the option to manually assess the response, the context, and any instances of hallucination. This allows for monitoring the impact of optimizations made by the team. We recommend running tests after each modification to model, the prompt, AI parameters, chunk size, whether or not images are included, self-query, and so forth...

Continuous Improvement Based on Test Results

AI Knowledge leverages test results to automatically suggest prompt adjustments and other modifications to improve response accuracy. This proactive feature helps in:

  • Optimizing Interaction: Refine how questions are presented to the AI to elicit the most accurate responses.
  • Enhancing AI Understanding: Adjust the contextual information provided to the AI based on test feedback to improve comprehension and response relevance.

Integration into the AI Development Lifecycle

By incorporating this test-driven step, you ensure that your AI system not only meets the initial requirements but also adapts and improves over time, maintaining high standards of accuracy and reliability. This approach is crucial for organizations looking to leverage AI dynamically and sustainably in the face of evolving data and varying LLM capabilities.

Step 7.1: Advanced customization using the Builder product

For enhanced customization and to improve collaboration with business teams, such as developing specific RAG pipelines, utilize the Builder:

  1. Access the Builder: Go to this product on the Platform.
  2. Implement Custom Code: Use Python or NodeJS to incorporate specific functionalities with LLamaIndex or Langchain. Once you've set up the automation (making it accessible via URL), copy the URL and proceed to Home > API & Webhook on the platform. Here, enable the webhook and enter the automation URL. You can subscribe to notifications for actions like asked questions, and when documents are added, deleted, or updated, as well as for tests.

Step 7.2: Advanced customization using your own hosted code

You can link your AI Knowledge project to your externally hosted code using a Webhook. To achieve this, navigate to Home > API & Webhook on your platform to configure your URL and enhance your project with specific functionalities.

Step 8: Personally Identifiable Information and safety controls

Additionally, regarding PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and safety controls, builders have the ability to implement specific measures through the Webhook functionality. This enables the detection of personal data within the information processed by the AI. Depending on the use case, you can choose to anonymize this data or not. Furthermore, you can integrate custom safety controls tailored to their specific solutions, enhancing the security and compliance of the system. This capability ensures that the handling of sensitive data is both flexible and aligned with organizational needs and regulatory requirements.

Step 9: Monitoring and Maintenance

Regularly monitor your system to ensure optimal performance. Make adjustments to your knowledge base and AI settings as needed based on feedback and performance metrics. Leverage the Webhook feature to implement alerts using the Builder for platforms like Slack, Teams, Gitlab, Jira, and more.

Step 10: Recommendations for building high-performance RAG for Gen.AI Systems

1. Importance of Knowledge Architecture:

The knowledge architecture is a crucial element in the success of any AI project. It should be designed to facilitate easy access and interpretation of data by AI systems. A well-organized structure not only enhances the understanding of queries but also supports more accurate and rapid responses, which are essential for real-time interactions. A specific tutorial is coming soon for this approach.

2. Data Quality:

Data quality represents approximately 80% of the success in AI generation projects. Ensuring that data is accurate, well-formatted, and relevant is vital. Poor data quality can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in the output, severely hampering the performance of the AI system.

3. Integration of NLU and LLM Technologies:

Combining Natural Language Understanding (NLU) for rapid tag extraction with Large Language Models (LLM) for generating responses can significantly reduce the reliance on multiple calls to LLM systems and speed up interactions. This approach underscores the importance of hybrid AI models in enhancing system responsiveness and efficiency. A specific tutorial is coming soon for this approach.

4. Continuous monitoring and optimization:

Regular monitoring and optimization of AI systems are essential. This includes checking response times, accuracy, and the effectiveness of data retrieval methods. Adjustments based on these metrics can help maintain and improve the system's performance over time.

For Gen.AI projects, focus on developing a robust knowledge architecture and maintaining high data quality to significantly influence the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the AI system.

Additional Resources

For further guidance, refer to AI Knowledge's embedded documentation sections:

  • API References: Learn how to interact with your knowledge base programmatically.

  • Webhook Documentation: Discover how to set up specific automations that trigger when an end user asks a question, the business team manipulates documents, or when running tests.

  • Glossary: Understand key terms and components used within the platform.

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to create a specialized AI that leverages the power of RAG for enhanced information retrieval and knowledge management.