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AI Products initialization#

Once the prerequisites detailed below have been met, importing the App Store and associated product workspaces involves three steps, depending on the interdependencies of the Apps during initialization.
Each archive must be imported into the studio in the correct order, with functionality tests performed after each import before moving to the next step. To import an archive, navigate to the studio, hover over the "Create a workspace" button, and select "Import a workspace from an archive" from the menu.

Each archive can be re-imported to reset all Apps/workspaces it contains, overwriting any modifications made in the studio since the first import.

It is recommended to perform archive imports using a studio account dedicated to this task to avoid cluttering the dashboard of an administrator account with the multiple app workspaces.


A fully operational prismeai environment, including private microservices.

Open Source Services:

  • prismeai-api-gateway
  • prismeai-console
  • prismeai-pages
  • prismeai-workspaces
  • prismeai-events
  • prismeai-runtime

Private Services:

  • prismeai-functions: Executes arbitrary JS or Python code
  • prismeai-crawler: Web document indexing
  • prismeai-searchengine: Search engine
  • prismeai-llm: Optional, only required if AI Knowledge is used with local models
  • prismeai-nlu: Optional: Required only if NLU-based intents and entity recognition are needed.

For offline environments, see additional prerequisites.


Several environment variables must be configured in the prismeai-runtime microservice to ensure the proper functioning of the installed Apps. If the default API ports are modified by a container orchestrator or configuration, these values must be adapted accordingly.

All of these variables should be already initialized with our Helm charts.

Custom Code


FUNCTIONS_HOST refers to the domain from which the prismeai-runtime microservice can reach prismeai-functions.



MONGO_HOST should be replaced with the host that allows the prismeai-functions microservice to connect to MongoDB (e.g., mongo if prismeai-functions and mongo are launched from the same docker-compose).



SEARCHENGINE_HOST is the domain from which prismeai-runtime can reach prismeai-searchengine.

LLM Open-Source


LLM_HOST is the domain from which prismeai-runtime can reach prismeai-llm.

The LLM Open-Source App is only required for using AI Knowledge with open-source models instead of OpenAI.



NLU_HOST is the domain from which prismeai-runtime can reach prismeai-nlu.

The NLU App is not required for the operation of AI Products.


APP_CONFIG_SendMail_apiKey='a mailgun API key'
APP_CONFIG_SendMail_domain='the mailgun domain'

The SendMail App is currently compatible only with MailGun. It remains optional and is not required for the proper functioning of the AI products.

Package 1:

This archive mainly contains the following 2 Apps, which are necessary for building many others:

  • Custom Code: Execution of custom JS/Python code (requires the functions microservice to be online and configured).
  • Prismeai API: API calls to from Automations (YAML files).

Proceed with the import before moving to configuration: in the studio, hover over the Create a workspace button, click on the three-dot menu, and then select Import a workspace from an archive. Refresh the page after the loading icon finishes. The three new workspaces should now appear.
The detailed result of the import (i.e., errors & successful imports) can be found in the logs of the workspaces microservice or individually in each imported workspace with workspaces.imported events.


  1. Create a test workspace
  2. Install the Custom Code App in your test workspace.
  3. Create the following function, hello:

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
const res = await fetch('')
return await res.json();
4. Test the function using the green play button
5. Make sure that node-fetch package has been properly installed and that you receive the expected website response without any import/internal errors.

Package 2:

This archive contains the following five Apps:

  • Collection: MongoDB (requires the Custom Code App to work correctly).
  • Crawler: Web page indexing & search engine (requires the crawler and searchengine microservices).
  • NLU: NLU engine (requires the nlu microservice).
  • RedisSearch: Interface with the redis-stack-server database.

Proceed with importing the archive before moving to the tests.


Open the created PlatformTests workspace


  1. Open the Collection/TestCollection automation
  2. Run the automation from the top-right corner play button
  3. Make sure you receive a valid JSON response including a "Toulouse" city object


  1. Open the Crawler/Crawl page automation & run it with the top-right corner play button
  2. Open the Activity tab and regularly reload it until you see Crawler.notifications event has been fired
    • If this never occurs, please check prismeai-crawler container logs (apps namespace) to resolve issues
  3. Open the Crawler/Search page & run it : make sure you receive the freshly indexed page result

Package 3 :

The main components having now been imported, it is time to initialize main AI products.

Since the archive is larger than the first two, the import request may time out, and the loading icon might spin indefinitely. However, the process will continue in the background and finish within a minute or two, with the log Terminated bulk import from the workspaces microservice likely being one of the last logs to appear:

{"level":30,"time":1691420134138,"app":"core-prismeai-workspaces","msg":"Terminated bulk import","result":{"imported":[...],"errors":[...],"createdWorkspaceIds":[...],"updatedWorkspaceIds":[],"publishedApps":[...]}}

Several workspaces should appear during the first refresh after this log.

Tests & Configuration#

Congratulation, you can now proceed with AI products configuration !


Custom Code#

Several critical AI products and Apps (including AI Knowledge) are built on Custom Code. If any issues arise, monitor the logs of the prismeai-functions service, as some functions or dependencies may not be properly initialized or installed.

Look for the following error messages:

  • Failed npm install
  • Dependencies are still being installed from
  • Some dependencies are missing
  • TimeoutError
  • Failed running function

If a dependency is missing or still being installed after several minutes, it may be necessary to re-save the Custom Code App for the affected workspace from the studio. This will prompt prismeai-functions to restart the installation (Installing N modules ...).
If the issue concerns functions of an App (indicated by the app. prefix in the logs), it will also be necessary to re-publish the App.